Goswami & Nigam LLP provides professional advice in respect of all legal as well as employer- employee related matters including advise on statutory compliances for various establishments both in the public and private sectors, as also to Trans-National Corporations including foreign banks, hospitals, hotels, airlines and the like.
Further, the Firm assists its clients in ensuring due compliance under various Employment Laws by evaluating whether the existing system followed by Companies is in consonance with the law, and also provide advise for improving the same. The team is adept at handling issues emanating under the wide gamut of legislations in the field of employment laws. The Firm has assisted its clients in successfully drafting Service Rules, Policies on Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH), Standing Orders and the like.
In addition to the above, the Firm also represents its Clients in matters before Labour Authorities, Labour Courts, Industrial Tribunals, High Court and Supreme Court and other statutory forums in disputes arising from various labour legislations. The Firm has also guided Companies on conducting Domestic Enquiries in accordance with the provisions of law as and when such a need has arisen.
Apart from the above, the Firm also conducts workshops for the benefit of its clients on POSH, HR strategies, IR strategies and similar aspects of employment laws.